Mia Wiegand picture picture
Lecturer in Semantics
Heinrich-Heine University

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Contact Information:

Institut für Sprache und Information
Gebäude 24.53. Etage 00 Raum 87
Philosophische Fakultät
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf



Research Interests:

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in semantics at Heinrich-Heine University, where I work closely with Professor Hana Filip. I did my Ph.D. in Linguistics at Cornell University while working under co-chairs Dorit Abusch and Mats Rooth. My research interests lie mostly in formal semantics and logic, as well as the syntax/semantics interface. The area of my most recent work, and the subject of my dissertation research, is alternative semantics and exclusive operators, and I have also worked on the syntax and semantics of factive predicates. My qualifying paper (A-exam) is available online through Semantics Archive here. I am also working with Carol-Rose Little on exclusivity in Ch'ol, and our recent co-authored abstract was awarded 3rd place for the LSA Student Abstract Award for 2018.

I was a junior editor for Semantics and Linguistic Theory 24, and I was the student organizer of the Cornell Workshop on Aspect in October of 2015 with Professor Miloje Despic. I am actively involved in two reading groups: Semantics Reading Group and Syntax Circle (SynCirc). I have also served as the Librarian for the Cornell Linguistics Circle (CLC) Library.


Ph.D. - Cornell University (2020)

B.A. - Dartmouth College (2012)
Majors: Mathematics, Women's and Gender Studies
Minor: Linguistics

Publications and Conference Presentations:

[Manuscript, Under Revise & Resubmit] Despic and Wiegand. In progress. Quantificational scope of Serbian exclusives: A syntax-semantics interface account. Submitted to Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. (Submitted Draft)

Despic and Wiegand 2018. Linking agreement and anticausality: Semantic effects of agreement on exclusives in Serbian. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 27. May 4-6 2018. Stanford, California. (Proceedings Paper)

`I just know it': Intensification as evidence for non-presuppositional factivity. Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting, Jan. 4-7 2018. Salt Lake City, Utah. (Talk: Abstract, Handout)

Little and Wiegand 2018. A compositional morphosemantic analysis of exclusivity in Ch'ol. In Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Vol. 3. ed. Patrick Farrell. Salt Lake City UT. (Proceedings Paper)
Student Abstract Award, 3rd place

Wiegand 2018. Exclusive morphosemantics: Just and covert quantification. In Proceedings of the 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 35). ed. Wm. G. Bennett et. al., 419-429. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. (Proceedings Paper)

Wiegand 2017. The morphosyntax of exclusives and the underspecificity of just. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS 43) 43. ed. Julia Nee, Margaret Cychosz, Dmetri Hayes, Tyler Lau and Emily Remirez. 351-375. Berkeley, California. (Proceedings)

Broadening alternative semantics: Exclusivity of discourse just. Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting, Jan. 5-8 2017. Austin, Texas. (Talk: Abstract, Handout)

Focus effects on the factivity of know. 39th Annual Penn Linguistics Conference (PLC), March 20-22 2015. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Poster)

Focus effects on factivity: Focused know as nonfactive. Mellon Humanities Corridor Workshop in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics, December 6-7 2014. Syracuse, New York. (Talk)


Guest lecture. A close look at just and how to derive intensification effects from exclusivity. 29th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI). July 27, 2017. (Slides)
  Course title: The semantics and pragmatics of intensification: Logic, discourse and social meaning
  Instructors: Andrea Beltrama and Yaron McNabb (Course website)

Workshop Organizer/Presenter, Cornell Linguistics Circle. LaTeX and Linguistics.
  -With Zac Smith and Todd Snider. September 29, 2016. (Slides)
  -With Carol-Rose Little and Jacob Collard. October 26, 2017.

Teaching Experience:

Heinrich-Heine University

Fall 2020:
Introduction to Logic (Instructor)

Method Seminar in Semantics (Instructor)

Cornell University

Spring 2020:
PHIL 2300: Puzzles and Paradoxes (Teaching Assistant)
  Professor: Arc Kocurek

Fall 2019:
PHIL 2310: Introduction to Deductive Logic (Teaching Assistant)
  Professor: Harold Hodes

Summer 2019:
COGST 1101: Introduction to Cognitive Science (Instructor)

Spring 2019:
COGST 1101: Introduction to Cognitive Science (Head Teaching Assistant)
  Professor: Khena Swallow
  Guest lecture: Introduction to Linguistics for Cognitive Science

Fall 2018:
FGSS 1113: "Social Justice Warriors" and Cosmo: Online Feminist Discourse, First-Year Writing Seminar (Instructor)
  First-Year Writing Seminar Award Fellowship in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Spring 2017:
COGST 1101: Introduction to Cognitive Science (Teaching Assistant)
  Professor: Khena Swallow
  Guest lecture: Introduction to Linguistics for Cognitive Science (Slides)

Fall 2016:
LING 1101: Introduction to Linguistics (Teaching Assistant)
  Professor: Sarah Murray
  Guest lecture: Semantics, Lecture 2

Spring 2016:
LING 1100: Language and Gender, First-Year Writing Seminar (Instructor)

Fall 2015:
LING 1100: Language and Gender, First-Year Writing Seminar (Instructor)

Spring 2015:
LING 1100: Language and Gender, First-Year Writing Seminar (Instructor)

Fall 2014:
LING 3303: Introduction to Syntax and Semantics (Teaching Assistant)
  Professor: Miloje Despic

Dartmouth College

Winter 2012:
MATH 005: The World According to Mathematics (Undergraduate Teaching Assistant)
  Professor: Dwight Lahr

Fall 2011:
MATH 003: Calculus (Undergraduate Teaching Assistant)
  Professor: Dwight Lahr

Fall 2010:
MATH 003: Calculus (Undergraduate Teaching Assistant)
  Professor: Dwight Lahr