The Cornell Phonetics Lab is a group of students and faculty who are curious about speech. We study patterns in speech — in both movement and sound. We do a variety research — experiments, fieldwork, and corpus studies. We test theories and build models of the mechanisms that create patterns. Learn more about our Research. See below for information on our events and our facilities.
3rd February 2025 12:20 PM
Phonetics Lab Meeting
We will have an Abstract workshop. If you'd like Jennifer to print copies, please share your abstract with her by Monday 10am, via email or Discord.
Location: B11 Morrill Hall, Cornell University, 159 Central Avenue, Morrill Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
6th February 2025 04:30 PM
Linguistics Colloqium Speaker: Rebecca Jarvis to speak on the hidden variability in syntax
The Department of Linguistics proudly presents Dr. Rebecca Jarvis of University of California, Berkeley, who will give a talk titled:
Hidden variability in syntax: The fine-grained typology of resumption
This talk focuses on the form and derivation of resumption in long-distance dependencies across languages.
Drawing from primary fieldwork data, I show that Atchan (Kwa, Côte d’Ivoire) exhibits multiple contrasts in the distribution of resumptive pronouns. One contrast concerns dependency type: I show that resumption of topics has a different distribution than resumption of focused and relativized items.
I argue that this split reflects a deeper difference in the derivation of these processes, with focus and relativization—but not topicalization—being derived via syntactic movement. A second contrast is internal to focus and relativization: here, whether resumption occurs depends both on the position from which movement occurs and on the identity of the moving element (pronoun or lexical DP).
I argue that this data is best captured on an expanded typology of resumptive pronouns, and that multiple distinct mechanisms can lead to resumption in syntactic movement. I discuss theoretical consequences of this work on mechanisms of cliticization and situate this work on resumption within my larger research program.
Rebecca's main theoretical interests are in syntax, semantics, and their interface. She conducts language documentation work with speakers of Atchan, a Kwa language spoken in Côte d'Ivoire.
Her work is particularly motivated by questions about the mapping between syntax and semantics: for instance, when different syntactic strategies in different languages support the same semantic operations, and how particular syntactic strategies enable or constrain possible meanings. She approaches these questions with an empirical focus on A’-phenomena, pronominal syntax and semantics, and clausal embedding.
Before coming to Berkeley, she received her BA in linguistics and mathematics from Harvard University and spent a year in Germany on a Fulbright Fellowship. In her free time, she enjoys running, hiking, climbing, and cross-stitching.
Location: 106 Morrill Hall, Cornell University, 159 Central Avenue, Morrill Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
7th February 2025 12:20 PM
Informal Talk by Rebecca Jarvis
Dr, Rebecca Jarvis of UC Berkeley will give an informal talk to Linguistics students and faculty.
Location: 111 Morrill Hall, Cornell University, 159 Central Avenue, Morrill Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
13th February 2025 04:30 PM
Linguistics Colloqium Speaker: Eunsun Jou
The Department of Linguistics proudly presents Dr. Eunsun Jou of MIT.
Location: 106 Morrill Hall, Cornell University, 159 Central Avenue, Morrill Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
The Cornell Phonetics Laboratory (CPL) provides an integrated environment for the experimental study of speech and language, including its production, perception, and acquisition.
Located in Morrill Hall, the laboratory consists of six adjacent rooms and covers about 1,600 square feet. Its facilities include a variety of hardware and software for analyzing and editing speech, for running experiments, for synthesizing speech, and for developing and testing phonetic, phonological, and psycholinguistic models.
Web-Based Phonetics and Phonology Experiments with LabVanced
The Phonetics Lab licenses the LabVanced software for designing and conducting web-based experiments.
Labvanced has particular value for phonetics and phonology experiments because of its:
Students and Faculty are currently using LabVanced to design web experiments involving eye-tracking, audio recording, and perception studies.
Subjects are recruited via several online systems:
Computing Resources
The Phonetics Lab maintains two Linux servers that are located in the Rhodes Hall server farm:
In addition to the Phonetics Lab servers, students can request access to additional computing resources of the Computational Linguistics lab:
These servers, in turn, are nodes in the G2 Computing Cluster, which currently consists of 195 servers (82 CPU-only servers and 113 GPU servers) consisting of ~7400 CPU cores and 698 GPUs.
The G2 Cluster uses the SLURM Workload Manager for submitting batch jobs that can run on any available server or GPU on any cluster node.
Articulate Instruments - Micro Speech Research Ultrasound System
We use this Articulate Instruments Micro Speech Research Ultrasound System to investigate how fine-grained variation in speech articulation connects to phonological structure.
The ultrasound system is portable and non-invasive, making it ideal for collecting articulatory data in the field.
BIOPAC MP-160 System
The Sound Booth Laboratory has a BIOPAC MP-160 system for physiological data collection. This system supports two BIOPAC Respiratory Effort Transducers and their associated interface modules.
Language Corpora
Speech Aerodynamics
Studies of the aerodynamics of speech production are conducted with our Glottal Enterprises oral and nasal airflow and pressure transducers.
We use a Glottal Enterprises EG-2 electroglottograph for noninvasive measurement of vocal fold vibration.
Real-time vocal tract MRI
Our lab is part of the Cornell Speech Imaging Group (SIG), a cross-disciplinary team of researchers using real-time magnetic resonance imaging to study the dynamics of speech articulation.
Articulatory movement tracking
We use the Northern Digital Inc. Wave motion-capture system to study speech articulatory patterns and motor control.
Sound Booth
Our isolated sound recording booth serves a range of purposes--from basic recording to perceptual, psycholinguistic, and ultrasonic experimentation.
We also have the necessary software and audio interfaces to perform low latency real-time auditory feedback experiments via MATLAB and Audapter.