For Presenters
Conference booklets. We will not be printing abstract booklets, but you will get a printout of the schedule. Please bring a laptop or tablet with the abstracts if you want to look at them during the conference. A single PDF with all the abstracts can be downloaded here.
Internet access. If your home institution is a member of eduroam, you can connect to Cornell's eduroam network. Otherwise, Wi-Fi access is available through RedRover. Please refer to these Wi-Fi instructions to get connected.
Talks. Talks are 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions/discussion. The session chair will keep time for you and let you know when you have 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and 1 minute left. If you go overtime, that will just take time out of your discussion period.
Projecting slides. For those of you who would like to present your talks using slides, there will be a projector in the main session room. If you need to play audio, sound connectors are available, too (a standard 1/8" jack like the one on the headphones you plug into your laptop). Please make sure you bring any dongles your computer requires. The A/V setup will accommodate either a VGA or HDMI connector.

Handouts. If you are presenting using handouts, please bring at least 70 copies. There are several copy shops in the area should you need to make more copies.
Mann Library:
Olin & Uris:
Uncle Marty's:
UPS Store: