2021, Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, published in 2021
Temporal localization of syntactically conditioned prosodic information.
2021, PLoS ONE 16(10): e0258178
Localizing category-related information in speech with multi-scale analyses
2022, Doctoral Dissertation in Linguistics, Cornell University
Experimental and computational investigations of F0 control
2023, S. Proc. of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
Investigations of F0 control: pitch targets vs pitch register
2022, Cornell Working Papers in Phonetics and Phonology, Cornell Phonetics Lab,
Interpreting phonetic evidence for hierarchical organization of prosodic phrases.
2022, Journal of Phonetics Volume 93, July 2022, 101152
An investigation of functional relations between speech rate and phonetic variables
2024, Journal of Phonetics Volume 104, May 2024, 101322
Planning for the future and reacting to the present: Proactive and reactive F0 adjustments in speech
2020, Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production
Temporal localization of syntactically conditioned prosodic information