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Forrest Davis and Dr. Abby Cohn present poster at 2020 Workshop of the Berkeley Linguistics Society

Forrest Davis and Dr. Abby Cohn presented a poster titled "Categorical and gradient dimensions of stress in English compounds"  at the 2020 Workshop of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLSW 2020), held Feb 7-8, 2020

Poster Abstract: 

We present an experiment investigating stress assignment in English compounds from the Boston University Radio News Corpus (Ostendorf et. al, 1995) as part of a larger project on the representation of compounds. The present work explores the relationship between phonological reduction in naturalistic speech and the perception of stress in compounds, concluding that gradient reduction has categorical reflexes in stress perception.

8th February 2020

Forrest Davis and Dr. Abby Cohn presents poster at the LSA 2020

Forrest Davis and Dr. Abby Cohn presented a poster titled "The relationship between lexical frequency, compositionality, and phonological reduction in English compounds"  at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2020), held Jan 2-5, 2020

Poster Abstract: 

This work investigates the effect of lexical frequency and compositionality on phonological reduction.

A sample of compounds selected from the Buckeye Corpus (Pitt et al 2007) was analyzed to test the effects of lexical frequency and compositionality on the rime duration of compounds: do more opaque compounds (​cupboard​) exhibit more phonological reduction (shorter rimes) than transparent ones (​blueberry)​?

5th January 2020

Draga Zec gives an Invited Talk the International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology

15th December 2019

Draga Zec gives an Invited Talk at the Pre-ICPP Workshop

Draga Zec gave an Invited Talk titled "Pitch Accent in Serbo-Croatian" at the Pre-ICPP Workshop, NINJAL, Tokyo, Japan on Dec 12, 2019 

12th December 2019