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Dr. Simon Roessig receives an IPA travel grant to present a paper at ICPhs 2023

Post-Doctoral researcher Dr. Simon Roessig has received an International Phonetic Association (IPA) travel grant to present a paper at the 2023 International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2003), which will be held August 7-11, 2023 in Prague, the Czech Republic.   


The grant will cover up to 500 BPS (British Pound Sterling) of Simon's travel costs.

3rd May 2023

Dr. Simon Roessig to join faculty of the University of York (UK)

Post-doctoral researcher Dr. Simon Roessig has accepted a faculty position at the University of York (UK), where he will be a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) of Phonetics and Phonology. 


Once he starts in August 2023, Simon will be quite busy as both a lecturer and as an experimental linguist.  


He will begin by teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in phonetics, phonology and quantitative methods.


In addition to teaching, Simon will continue his ongoing research on English and German prosody, and plans to extend that work to the Persian language.  He will also perform new articulatory phonology experiments. 


We will miss Simon and how he enlivened our lab meetings with his keen insights into phonetics and phonology, and we hope that he and his family (wife Lina and children Julius and Martha) make a smooth transition to life in England.


27th April 2023

Anna Seo Gyeong Choi to present at FACCT 2023 and IC2S2 2023

Ph.D. candidate Anna Seo Gyeong Choi has had one paper and two posters accepted for presentation at upcoming summer conferences:


FAccT 2023 - Association for Computing Machinery Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT), Chicago, USA, June 12-15, 2023


  • (Talk) Augmented Datasheets for Speech Datasets and Ethical Decision-Making.”, Papakyriakopoulos, Orestis*, Anna Seo Gyeong Choi*, William Thong, Dora Zhao, Jerone Andrews, Rebecca Bourke, Alice Xiang, Allison Koenecke. 2023. “ (* equal contribution co-first author)


  • (Poster) - Augmented Datasheets for Speech Datasets and Ethical Decision-Making. Papakyriakopoulos, Orestis*, Anna Seo Gyeong Choi*, Alice Xiang, Allison Koenecke. 2023.   (* equal contribution co-first author)


IC2S2 2023 - the 9th International Conference on Computational Social Science (ICS2), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 17-20, 2023


  • (Poster) - Auditing Korean Speech Datasets for Dialectal Fairness in Speech-to-Text Applications,  Anna Seo Gyeong Choi, Allison Koenecke. (non-archival)




19th April 2023

Seven Phonetics Lab researchers to present nine papers/posters at ICPhS 2023

Seven Phonetics Lab researchers will be presenting nine papers and posters at  ICPhS 2023  (the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences), which will be held August 7-11, 2023 in Prague, the Czech Republic.

The researchers and the paper/poster titles are:  


Chloe Kwon, Sam Tilsen, and John Whitman:

  • Morpho-phonological effects on the phonetic characteristics of tense consonants in Korean compounds


Francesco Burroni:

  • Lexical tones are times to articulatory gestures


Seung-Eun Kim:

  •  Evidence for preplanned and adaptive F0 control (Seung-Eun Kim) 


Seung-Eun Kim & Sam Tilsen:

  •  Investigations of F0 control: pitch targets vs. pitch register (poster)


Simon Roessig:

  • Prosody of pre-focal background depends on following focus. 


  • Pagel, L., M. Sóskuthy, S. Roessig & D. Mücke.    A kinematic analysis of visual prosody: head movements in habitual and loud speech. 


  • Parrell, B., A. Mefferd, S. Harper, S. Roessig & D. Mücke.   Using computational models to characterize the role of motor noise in speech: the case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 


  • Lorenzen, J., S. Roessig & S. Baumann.  Redundancy and individual variability in the prosodic marking of information status in German. 


Sireemas Maspong

  • Voice quality is not an obligatory stage in tonogenesis: A case study of Eastern Khmu

12th April 2023