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Phonetics/Phonology faculty & students present at Manchester and the SEAL Annual Meeting

Phonetics/Phonology researchers and graduate students were well traveled this Spring, with appearances in Taiwan and in England:

  • Grad students Dan Burgdorf and Sireemas Maspong traveled to Taiwan to present papers at the the 28th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, which was held May 17-24, 2018 at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • The Phonetics lab was also well-represented at this year's Manchester Phonology Meeting, held May 24-26, 2018 in the city of Manchester, UK. Dr. Draga Zec gave a talk on "Loanword specific prosody as minimal constraint re-ranking", and the following three grad students presented posters on their research:
    • Rachel Vogel - "Maintenance of voicing and aspiration contrasts in Nepali stops"
    • Dan Burgdorf - "Productivity of minor syllables in Burmese"
    • Brynhildur Stefansdottir - "Approximant reduction in colloquial Icelandic"

28th June 2018

Phonetics/Phonology grad students travel to Wisconsin, Myanmar, and Indonesia for training & field research

Three Phonetics/Phonology grad students traveled during summer 2018 for training and overseas linguistics fieldwork:

28th June 2018

Phonetics grad student Robin Karlin successfully defends her dissertation on Tone Gesture Timing

Phonetics grad student Robin Karlin successfully defended her dissertation
"The timing of tone gestures and tone-bearing units: a cross-linguistic investigation".

Robin is shown here with members of her thesis committee - from left to right: External Committee member Elizabeth Zsiga (Georgetown University); committee chair Dr. Draga Zec, and committee members Dr. Abby Cohn and Dr. Mats Rooth. Robin has accepted a position at Rutgers University, where she will teach phonology.



28th June 2018

Draga Zec presents a paper at LabPhon 16

Draga Zec (with Dr. Elizabeth Zsiga, Georgetown University) presented a paper titled “Dialectal Variation in the Realization of Serbian Pitch Accent: Evidence for a Domain- Generalization Effect" at LabPhon 16, Lisbon, Portugal, held June 19-22, 2018


19th June 2018