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Draga Zec presents a paper at the 26th Manchester Phonology Meeting

Draga Zec presented a paper titled “Loanword specific prosody as minimal constraint re-ranking”  at the 26th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, England, held May 24-26, 2018

24th May 2018

Draga Zec gives an Invited Talk at the SALT Workshop

Draga Zec (with Dr. Martin  Krämer, UiT) gave an Invited Talk titled "Syllable codas, consonantal manner and the sonority hierarchy” at the SALT Workshop: A cross-disciplinary workshop on syllable structure and sonority, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, held May 11-12, 2018

11th May 2018

Draga Zec gives an Invited Talk at BIMEP4

Draga Zec gave an Invited Talk titled "Nasal consonants in syllable phonotactics" at the Fourth Belgrade International Meeting of English Phoneticians (BIMEP 4). March 30-31, 2018. 

30th March 2018

Seung-Eun Kim presents poster at CUNY 2018

Seung-Eun Kim presented a poster titled "Korean L2 learners’ sensitivity to prosodic boundaries in syntactic ambiguity resolution" at the 31st Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference (CUNY 2018), held March 15-17, 2018 at the Univesity of California, Davis

Poster Abstract:

Prosodic boundaries influence syntactic parsing and resolve syntactic ambiguity in spoken sentences. Compared to ample evidence on native speakers’ use of prosodic boundaries in sentence processing, relatively few studies have focused on L2 learners, and the results also varied: While many studies showed that L2 learners can use prosodic boundaries in sentence processing, some showed that they were sensitive, but failed to properly incorporate the prosody into a syntactic analysis.

The present study examines whether the finding that L2 learners are able to recognize prosodic boundaries holds true for Korean learners of English, and further investigates the aspect of the use of prosodic cues in syntactic disambiguation. Moreover, the study examines the effect of L2 proficiency in using prosodic information.

15th March 2018